Widow wanting, & after, who knows
Frankston, Australia | Hölgy keres Férfit
Általános adatok
There’s something special about a Jewish man. Strong hearts, minds and bodies .. and loving family men. I have three children and two grandchildren. My Jewish ancestry is old but not 'current'.. mixed ancestry .. Portuguese Irish Father and Mother’s Mother fr Polish Jews, who were the second Jewish family to settle in WA in the 1800's .. a colourful lot .. monument to uncles Raf and David, who opened up the road to Esperence. My Mother's GF was Abraham Krakouer, a bit of a rascal. I think I have some of his genes. I'm a Widow and looking to find a man who wants to share an intimate friendship .. and thereafter .. who knows .. but I must be able to run back to my own space. My past in Legal recruitment, and Legal Practice mergers. Have worked as an actor [intermittently] for 60 years. See IMDb Christine Kaman. Seven years working with an NGO training Carers (in Mental Health). I love to cook, love the simple life. Don’t do fancy clothes although will dress fittingly for an ‘occasion’. I used to sing in a choir until Covid forced us to sing in masks .. ridiculous😆 .. might return to that as I have a tuneful little voice,
Soprano. Trying to keep up with exercise required to get me to the next decade in one piece. Body parts generally in good order, although around 2000 I was forced to part with my breasts. Turns out I could have kept them if I’d waited five years. Always has to be someone on the end. Learn to live with many things by the time you’ve passed 60. Other bits still work well, well they do for me anyway. I laugh a lot, at my tragedies and other people’s. Not cynical, hoping that doesn’t show my ignorance. Have heard you need to pass through cynicism on the way to wisdom. But ‘they’ say lots of things these days and I’ve generally been given sanity and common sense from my Mother, and flights of fancy from my Father, who was Australia’s greatest tenor in his prime. Mind you, he was likely Australia’s only tenor in 1930’s and 40’s .. he was our Gigli .. not an ambitious bone in his body. He sang for and was presented to the Queen when she came to Melbourne. He toured with the Italian Light Opera company, sang with Melb Symphony Orchestra and in Opera around Australia. My Mother used to insist that he give up singing to the blind, the elderly and Pentridge prisoners, and to keep in mind that ‘charity begins at home’. He was always meditating.. “not asleep just resting” .. with transistor radio in his top pocket, one hanging from the lemon tree, one on the piano, another in the garage, where he tinkered, and not all necessarily on the same station. He taught me to hug trees and to pray without prayer, and that it is good to ask questions that have no reply. He wanted me to understand that all the good things and all the bad things were going to happen to me, and that I should just try to enjoy them all. Have I mentioned my three wonderful children .. and theirs? .. there are many more ongoing stories .. they are my joy .. and my parents are my jewels .. I have no other .. my great inheritance. Getting a bit dottie so best stop now. I’m warm, pretty for an old girl, generous and understanding. I’d love a man who knows how to tame his ‘beast’ .. kindest regards, Chrissy
Soprano. Trying to keep up with exercise required to get me to the next decade in one piece. Body parts generally in good order, although around 2000 I was forced to part with my breasts. Turns out I could have kept them if I’d waited five years. Always has to be someone on the end. Learn to live with many things by the time you’ve passed 60. Other bits still work well, well they do for me anyway. I laugh a lot, at my tragedies and other people’s. Not cynical, hoping that doesn’t show my ignorance. Have heard you need to pass through cynicism on the way to wisdom. But ‘they’ say lots of things these days and I’ve generally been given sanity and common sense from my Mother, and flights of fancy from my Father, who was Australia’s greatest tenor in his prime. Mind you, he was likely Australia’s only tenor in 1930’s and 40’s .. he was our Gigli .. not an ambitious bone in his body. He sang for and was presented to the Queen when she came to Melbourne. He toured with the Italian Light Opera company, sang with Melb Symphony Orchestra and in Opera around Australia. My Mother used to insist that he give up singing to the blind, the elderly and Pentridge prisoners, and to keep in mind that ‘charity begins at home’. He was always meditating.. “not asleep just resting” .. with transistor radio in his top pocket, one hanging from the lemon tree, one on the piano, another in the garage, where he tinkered, and not all necessarily on the same station. He taught me to hug trees and to pray without prayer, and that it is good to ask questions that have no reply. He wanted me to understand that all the good things and all the bad things were going to happen to me, and that I should just try to enjoy them all. Have I mentioned my three wonderful children .. and theirs? .. there are many more ongoing stories .. they are my joy .. and my parents are my jewels .. I have no other .. my great inheritance. Getting a bit dottie so best stop now. I’m warm, pretty for an old girl, generous and understanding. I’d love a man who knows how to tame his ‘beast’ .. kindest regards, Chrissy
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1.63 m
Szemeim színe
Kaukázusi, Európai, Kevert nemzetiségű
Családi állapotom
Vannak gyerekeim
Igen - Otthonon kivül
Szeretnék gyerekeket
Az amire büszke vagyok:
Átfúrt ... de csak a füle(i)m
Hajam színe:
Só és bors
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Zsinagógába járok
A kedvenc otthon készített zsidó ételem a(z)
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Szórakoztatóipar / Média
Actor IMDb Christine Kaman
Ez évi bevételem
Kevesebb mint 3,656,235 HUF
Alkalmanként átjönnek a barátaim
Kedvelem az alkoholt
Igen - társaságban
Szociális magatartásom:
Család centrikus tartalom, Edzés, Volöntőrködés
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A tökéletes első randi így néz ki számomra:
Coffee, somewhere pleasant
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